Linking Thoughts: the blog of BUSUP

King County Metro Launches First Shared Shuttle | BUSUP

Written by BUSUP US | May 13, 2024 1:22:21 PM

SEATTLE-  SSA Marine and McKinstry, in partnership with BUSUP and Beeline Charters & Tours, have launched the first employer-shared shuttle service approved by King County Metro. This essential service provides first- and last-mile connections for employees at both worksites, setting an important precedent for responsible corporate transportation.

This shuttle service operates on a fixed route with stops at Colman Dock and King Street Station, ensuring effective integration with major public transportation hubs in the Seattle area. This joint effort reflects a continuous commitment to reducing environmental impact, encouraging multi-modal commutes utilizing the region’s excellent ferry, rail, and bus connections. For both SSA Marine and McKinstry, the challenge has been getting employees from these transportation hubs the last mile to their offices, located in Seattle’s SODO and Harbor Island areas.

Ryan Knudsen from SSA Marine commented on the evolution of transportation at the company, highlighting the shift towards shared transit options driven by limited parking and the lack of public transit services on Harbor Island. This need led to the implementation of the shuttle service, which has grown in popularity and effectiveness. "The shuttle's ridership was initially low, but it has increased steadily over time, and today the shuttle regularly operates close to capacity, with McKinstry helping to offset the operating costs through our partnership."

Nick Davidson from McKinstry also contributed to this project, focusing his efforts on providing employees with low-emission transportation options. This aligns with McKinstry's broader goals of fostering a more sustainable and efficient built environment. Sharing SSA Marine’s shuttle offers a more cost-effective option than previous commute options, such as Uber and Lyft programs linking employees to similar public transit hubs. 

This launch not only improves the daily experience of the employees participating in the program, but also sets a model for future collaborations between the public and private sectors in terms of sustainable transportation

King County Metro has recognized this service as a vital complement to the existing transit network, thus enhancing the region's transportation offerings. BUSUP led application efforts, working closely with SSA Marine and King County Metro to evaluate partner employers for the sharing program, plan the route, and eventually receive the first-ever approval for a shared-shuttle program to be offered in the Seattle metropolitan region

BUSUP has years of experience designing, implementing, and managing shuttle programs across Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Curious if shared shuttles or another form of commuting services might be a good fit for your organization? Let’s talk! Contact us at or visit BUSUP to learn more.